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Ilves kahjustab Eesti mainet

Seda kirjeldab Toomas Hendrik Ilvese õpingukaaslane Eesti presidenti.

When Estonia’s parliament re-elected him in August to a second five-year term, the currently unaligned 57-year-old president enjoyed the support not only of his old party, the governing centre-right Reform party, but also the conservative Union of Pro Patria and Res Publica, and the out-of-power Social Democratic party to which he once belonged./…/

His popularity results in part from the robustly healthy state of the Estonian economy through the global downturn – 8.8% GDP growth in the second quarter of this year – a function, Ilves says, of the prudent course the country has adhered to in recent years, trimming its spending and keeping a lid on borrowing. He also acknowledges the inevitable growth that accompanied transition to a market economy. “Like the rest of eastern Europe, there was no service sector at all to speak of under communism. You didn’t have restaurants. There was no choice. Basically, it was like you had State Haircut Facility Number 347. So that had to change.”/…/

He also secured the country’s entry into Nato and its recent admission to the eurozone, which has increased its standing in the west, and Ilves’ stature at home, as he pushed strongly for both in a country where neither was initially wildly popular. He has been a vigorous advocate for technology – it’s virtually impossible not to find free wireless access on my travels.


Selline artikkel ilmus Suurbritannia ühes suurimas “The Guardian” nimelises ajalehes 3. novembril. Välja on toodud suuremad eksimused. Väidetakse, et Toomas Hendrik Ilves kuulub võimul olevasse Reformierakonda aga tema poolt hääletasid ka opositsioonis olevad sotsiaaldemokraadid, kuhu ta kunagi kuulus.

Ta tunnistab paratamatut majanduskasvu, mis saatis turumajandusele üleminekut. “Nagu ülejäänud Ida-Euroopas, polnud seal üldse teenindussektorit, millest võiks kommunismi puhul rääkida. Neil polnud restorane. Seal polnud valikut. Põhimõtteliselt, see oli nagu sul oleks olnud riiklik juuksuritöökoja rajatis number 347. Niisiis pidi see muutuma.”

Samuti kindlustas ta riigi pääsemise NATO-sse ja hiljutise vastuvõtmise eurotsooni, mis on tõstnud selle riigi positsioone läänes ja Ilvese vaimset suurust kodus kui ta surus tugevalt mõlemat riigis, kus kumbki neist polnud algselt populaarne. Ta oli raevukas tehnoloogia eestkõneleja ja nüüd on sisuliselt võimatu jääda ilma tasuta wifi-ta.

Vot nii kõva mees on THI. Tõi teenindussektori, NATO, € ja wifi!

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